
The websocket on the FacilMap server provides different API versions (implemented as namespaces such as / for version 1, /v2 for version 2, etc.) in order to stay backwards compatible with older clients. Each release of facilmap-client is adapted to a particular API version of the server. When upgrading to a new version of the client, have a look at this page to find out what has changed.

v5.0.0 (API v3)

Note: This socket version is still under development and will still change. Do not use it in production yet.

  • “symbol” was renamed to “icon” everywhere. This applies to Marker.symbol, Type.defaultSymbol, Type.symbolFixed, Type.fields[].controlSymbol and Type.fields[].options[].symbol.
  • “pad” was renamed “map” everywhere. This applies to the padData and deletePad socket events and getPad (including its padId request property), the findPads, createPad, editPad, deletePad, setPadId client/socket methods, the PadNotFoundError, and the Marker.padId, Line.padId, Type.padId, View.padId and HistoryEntry.padId properties.

v4.0.0 (API v2)

  • Before, creating a map with an empty name resulted in set to "Unnamed map". Now, an empty name will result in "" and the UI is responsible for displaying that in an appropriate way.
  • Before, creating a marker with an empty name resulted in set to "Untitled marker". Now an empty name will result in "" and the UI is responsible for displaying that in an appropriate way.
  • Before, creating a line with an empty name resulted in set to "Untitled line". Now an empty name will result in "" and the UI is responsible for displaying that in an appropriate way.