
FacilMap is a privacy-friendly, open-source versatile online map that combines different services based on OpenStreetMapopen in new window. FacilMap offers the following features:

In addition, FacilMap allows you to create collaborative maps, where you and others can add markers, draw lines, save routes and import GPX/KML/GeoJSON files, which will be saved under a custom URL.

  • Creating collaborative maps
  • Add markers
  • Add lines/routes
  • Handle multiple objects, for example to delete multiple markers/lines at once.
  • By default, markers/lines/routes have a name and a description. You can define additional fields that contain more detailed information and can automatically influence the style of the marker/line/route.
  • Add a legend that shows which colour/style belongs to which type of marker/line.
  • Saved views reference a particular area on the map with certain settings. You can change the default view of a collaborative map or save additional views as a shortcut for users to navigate to a certain area on the map.
  • Filters make it possible to temporarily hide certain types of markers/lines based on certain criteria.
  • Modifications to the map are logged in the edit history and can be reverted if necessary.
  • Export the map or parts of it as a GPX or GeoJSON file or as a table.
  • Import GPX, KML or GeoJSON files. Importing a GeoJSON file that was exported by FacilMap makes it possible to copy parts of one map onto another.
  • Adjust the map settings. This is also where your can delete the map.

If you are interested in embedding FacilMap into your website or even running your own FacilMap server, check out the Developer guide.